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Sunday, 19 April 2015

Antonov 124 and 225 Pack Free

on Sunday, 19 April 2015  |  in Antonov at  09:40

1. Download the zip from the link given below.
2. Extract the zip, and you will heve 2 more zip inside containing the Antonov 225, and Antonov 124 file.
3. Extract these 2 archives in <FSX installation folder>/simobjects/airplanes folder. Make sure to put the  files in 2 saperate folder. Make 2 folders in the <FSX installation folder>/simobjects/airplanes folder. Then the extract the content of each zip in those folder one by one. Then extract the content of the Effect zrchive in the FSX/effects directory.

4. You are good to go.

Happy Flying, Good Luck.
Download link for the files....


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